LinkedIn Recommendations: Do They Matter
By Danielle Beauparlant Moser and Renee Zung
On the issue of LinkedIn Recommendations: What are they, do they really matter?
A recommendation is a comment written by a LinkedIn member to recognize or commend a colleague, business partner, or student.
Hiring managers and people searching for new customers and business partners prefer to work with people who come recommended by someone they know, like, and trust.
Because your first-degree connections can endorse you, when they take the time to write a public recommendation that can be read by anyone on the internet, they’re seen as more valuable.
A best practice is to ask your first-degree connections personally for a recommendation before requesting one on LinkedIn. If they’re not familiar with the process, you can explain it. Or, in some cases, organizations prohibit leaders from making public recommendations on sites like LinkedIn as it’s seen as a being similar to a reference.
Asking first can help prevent awkwardness and it provides the opportunity to help your recommend-er help you. To get the best recommendation, share your personal branding statement – where you highlight who you are in terms of where you add value. That way you reference can speak the skills and expertise that you’re focusing on in your own messaging.
Here are directions on where to find RECOMMENDATIONS in LinkedIn’s new user interface
Go to the person’s profile that you want a recommendation from and click on the three dots and select REQUEST A RECOMMENDATION.

Remember to consider reciprocating by offering to write a recommendation for them.