When considering any next step in your career, it's critical to answer these 3 questions:
- What do I want to do?
- How will my personal priorities impact my next step?
- Who needs what I have?
It doesn't matter the next step. This career management diagnostic will help you determine where you need to spend your time gathering the decision-grade data that will allow you to move forward.
These questions need to be answered if you're considering:
- An internal promotional opportunity
- A move outside your current organization
- A complete career / personal re-invention
- Options for the 2nd half of your career (i.e. retiring 'actively')
- Entrepreneurial options
The posts that follow will explore each of these questions in more detail.
The intention is this diagnostic will help make the career management process more approachable, manageable, and less nebulous.
Feedback is welcome as this is the framework for the 2nd edition of "FOCUS: Creating Career + Brand Clarity" on sale on our website and Amazon.com!